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Using Textured Glass in Residential and Commercial Interiors

Using glass in interior design is a brilliant way of decorating, furnishing or partitioning your space, while still allowing for a lot of light to enter and circulate. In particular, textured glass surfaces allow the light to bounce and create fascinating glares and shimmers, adding a flare of elegance and mystery to your space.


We’ve come across a few example of using textured glass for partitioning spaces, which works great in commercial, open-plan spaces:


Textured glass adds visual interest and varying levels of opacity, which makes it a good choice for residential interior designs as well. A few of our chosen examples include:


When it comes to accessories, the options are endless. The most popular ones that come to mind are the elegant glasses that feature textured design.


There’s something magical about glass, and using in decorating interior spaces results in a sophisticated, elegant and modern look.