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3 Office Designs to Love

We’re really great fans of creative office spaces, as we think they help enhance innovativeness and get people thinking outside of the box. For this reason, we’ve decided to feature our top 3 creative office interiors. Without further ado, here they are below:

1. Groupon’s office in Chicago stands out by making use of colours and modern design to their working space. We particularly like the shades of green and orange they’ve used to brighten up the space:


2. Edelman, a multinational public relations company also adds bright colours and modern design elements to its office space, and we particularly love the use of colours and natural materials, in creating a relaxed and upbeat atmosphere:


3. Autodesk an engineering and entertainment software company is making the most of the natural light in their office interior. The use of clear and tinted glass walls that create the feel of a large, open space, while still dividing the areas and providing calm and cosy spaces for their employees:


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3 Ways to Use Mosaic in Interior Design

Dating back to the 3rd millennium BC, mosaic is a technique of decorative art or interior decoration. Most mosaics works are made of small, flat, roughly square, pieces of stone or glass of different colours, known as tesserae; but some, especially floor mosaics, may also be made of small rounded pieces of stone, and called pebble mosaics.

Yet as ancient as this technique may be, mosaics can be used to create modern and luxurious interiors as well. Below we present 3 ways of using mosaic in contemporary interior spaces.

1. Mosaic walls

Due to this technique entailing the use of many small pieces to create patters, it is sometimes recommended to use this decorative style on small areas, creating accent walls:


Depending on the space, mosaics can also be used to cover large wall surfaces, especially in rooms that do not typically have lots of furniture or accessories, such as hallway or waiting areas:Blog-2-large-mosaic-walls

2. Moroccan mosaics

Use this style if you’re going for a bright, lively look for your space. Do keep in mind that due to the use of rich patterns and contrasts specific to this particular design, you should use less bold accessories in the interior, to create a visually balanced space:Blog-3-moroccan-mosaic

3. Mosaic accessories and surfaces

Not surprisingly, the mosaic look has been adopted in the creation of diverse home surfaces and accessories, such as tables, lamps, candle holders, coasters, etc. And it works great, as these items add liveliness and colour to the interiors. A few of our favourite examples include:


If you thought mosaics are old fashioned and out dated, we hope this blog post has helped prove the opposite. We think that, used tastefully, mosaic accent walls can add that extra dash of uniqueness to an interior, in a new, contemporary and modern interpretation.