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Important 2024 Service Update

multi-coloured autumn leaves hanging side by side on a string

IMPORTANT CHANGES from 1st August 2024

We have now decided to take a much needed break for a few months to explore other creative developments – after over 13 years of tirelessly building and running a creative studio and business. So we will not be running any more courses or taking any more commissions/ bespoke orders starting from 1st August 2024. All of the gift vouchers purchased and courses booked for 2024 will still be honoured, and any remaining stock in the studio is still available to purchase online before 1st Aug. We however, will not be taking on any new bookings, orders or enquiries beyond 31st July.

We hope to be running again at some point in the future, but haven’t got a definitive date set yet. Please keep on checking our website and social media for any latest updates.

Thank you so much for all of your patron and support over the years, we are deeply grateful and greatly appreciate all of it. We are very much looking forward to the next chapter of this creative journey, so please keep on checking in!

All the best,
Eliza of Moody Monday

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Important 2021 Service Update

International Orders and COVID-19 Restrictions Update

Working Cogs
Photo by: Josh Redd from Unsplash

In light of current situation with Brexit and the new strain of COVID-19; bringing itself new higher level restrictions across Scotland and more widely, the UK. We have had to adjust our operations very swiftly and as accordingly.

As a creative and a design business, this has been proven tough to juggle and predict and has had quite the impact on all area of our small operation. We are still open and trading, in spite of the restriction brought upon by Brexit and COVID-19. However, this operation will be limited until further notice.

  1. International Orders & Deliveries Suspended (until further notice)

    Regretfully, we currently have had to stop any international orders and deliveries until we can figure out what the best way forward is, following Britain’s exit from the EU and whatever implications this may impose on the business. We are anticipating in resolving this towards late January to early February 2021. So, for the time being, all orders through the website are limited to UK only.

  2. COVID-19 Restrictions on Courses and Events

    > Long and short courses that run in groups are suspended until further notice.

    All of the long and short term courses have stopped since the pandemic started last year and in light of the current situation and restrictions, we have decided to not resume the courses for the time being, we will review this situation again at spring time.

    > 1:1 courses are suspended until restriction changes.

    Our 1:1 courses will still be available for booking as soon as the restriction level is reduced and it is safe for us to resume this, perhaps much sooner than spring time, perhaps end of January, who knows? We’ll just have to wait and see. The safety of the community and of you and I are the most important thing and it’s not something I take lightly.

    > Direct (face to face) events and exhibitions are suspended until further notice.

    This applies to direct/ face to face events like open studios, exhibitions, studio visits, etc. We’re still working on new ways to connect and show you exciting work, however this is something we’re still trying to figure out as well, so check this space! Or you can sign up to our mailing list or follow us on social media to receive any updates.

The Only Way is Up
Photo by: Nick Fewings from Unsplash

Gift cards, (including e-cards) are available immediately; the perfect present for a discerning design devotee or budding print maker. Our gift cards may be redeemed on any of product or service offered on our website, i.e. bespoke services, courses, products, although some many not be available until all government restrictions are lifted. Please contact us if you have any questions about what is currently available. Your support is a lifeline for us in continuing with our craft during the pandemic.

Thank you so much for your continuous support of the arts and independent business like ours. Stay well and stay safe!

Much love,
Designer/ Maker  & Owner of Moody Monday

This announcement was posted on: Tues, 5th January 2021

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COVID-19 Service Changes

We’re still open!

As a small, independent, creative business, all of our design-led products have been crafted in small batches. As many are made to order, these products have primarily been created in isolation in our Edinburgh studio.

The Handcrafting Process
The Handcrafting Process

With this in mind, only one person has been preparing, crafting or hand finishing the handcrafted products at any one time. This has always bided well in maintaining control over the quality of our work, and now has the added benefit of working within government COVID-19 prevention guidelines.

Additional measures have also been introduced within our studio & creative practices during this challenging time in order to protect everyone, and to adhere to government advice and guidelines. Our studio is still be operating, albeit on a reduced scale, and this is what we have put in place:

  1.  Temporary suspension of all activities which involve face to face or direct contact with one another, i.e. courses, open studios, site project visits and meetings, shows, fairs, etc. We will review this situation on a week-to-week basis, in accordance to government guidelines.
  2. We have put all of our custom made products and services on hold until lockdown is eased or lifted.
  3. Orders and deliveries of products will only be available on the interior accessories range, of which we have existing stock of already, i.e. coasters, placemats, selected cushions and samples. These products are all available online through our website.
  4. Orders placed for available products will be prepared in isolation in our studio, adhering to our updated hygiene protocol of:
  • All processing and packaging will take place within a regularly cleaned/ sterilized preparation area
  • Regular hand-washing
  • Regular use of hand sanitizers
  • Gloves and face masks will be worn during processing and packaging
  • Products will be dispatched and delivered using no-contact services available through the Royal Mail and selected courier services.
Additional safety measures
Photo by: Branimir Balogovic from Unsplash

Due to the current limitations, we are asking for your patience while we try to deliver the best service we possibly can under the circumstance. However there may be unforeseen delays in these delivery times.

Photo by: Michel Porro from Unsplash

Gift cards, (including e-cards) are available immediately; the perfect present for a discerning design devotee or budding print maker. Our gift cards may be redeemed on any of product or service offered on our website, i.e. bespoke services, courses, products, although some many not be available until all government restrictions are lifted. Please contact us if you have any questions about what is currently available. Your support is a lifeline for us in continuing with our craft during the pandemic.

Gift Voucher Card
Gift Voucher Card

Stay well!

Much love,

Designer/ Maker  & Owner of Moody Monday

This announcement was updated on: Tuesday, 27th October 2020